Copyright Notice

The illustrations, stories, poetry and articles appearing in DARK PLANET are not in the public domain. All rights are reserved by their creators.

Throughout this copyright notice, the phrase "this work" refers to the material on the page containing the link to this copyright notice. Furthermore, DARK PLANET has taken this work on good faith that the person who has submitted it for publication is in fact the rightful copyright holder. In the event that this w ork contains inaccurate or libelous information or violates the copyright of another, the person who is associated with the copyright notice in the previously-linked document shall be held legally responsible.

The creator asserts his/her full copyright in this work, under the terms of all applicable international copyright laws (including the Berne Convention), as well as the national copyright laws of the country in which this work was created (United States), the country in which it was first published (United States, Canada, or Great Britain), and in whatever country in which you are reading this .

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